"I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly." John 10:10

Jesus invites us to a relationship with him, through which we share in the more abundant life of his grace, giving us his merciful, saving forgiveness, healing, peace, joy, and eternal life. We enter into that relationship by opening our hearts to him and by following him as his disciples.

In describing the Christian community, Acts 2:42 displays for us the four foundational habits of Christian discipleship: "They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles (LEARN) and to the communal life (SHARE), to the breaking of the bread (CELEBRATE) and to the prayers (PRAY)."

We encourage every member of our parish community to pursue the more abundant life of Jesus, devoting themself to the four pillars of Christian discipleship by adopting the following practices:




Challenge: Daily personal prayer for 30 minutes

When it comes to a relationship, there's no substitute for spending quality time together. Spending time with Jesus in personal, intimate conversation opens the door to an encounter in which we listen to him and speak to him from our hearts. We especially recommend the prayerful meditation of God's Word in Sacred Scripture through the time-honored tradition of Lectio Divina.



Challenge: Weekly Sunday Mass, monthly Confession

We are privileged to share in God's life - in His grace - especially through the Sacraments. Our fruitful celebration of the Sacraments provides nourishment for our souls and the power to live out the Christian life.

Sunday Mass times at St. Charles
Saturday: 5:00pm (Vigil) 
Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00pm (Spanish), & 6:00pm

Confession Schedule
Monday: 6:30pm-7:00pm (not on Federal Holidays)
Wednesday: 6:30pm-8:00pm
Friday: 6:30pm-7:00pm
Saturday: 3:30pm-4:30pm
Also available by appointment



Challenge: Weekly study of the faith for 60 minutes

Learning about our faith means learning about Jesus: it means knowing him better and so, loving him more and following him more closely. More than an academic exercise, this is an encounter with Jesus, the truth that sets us free.



Challenge: Share Christ's love in a Christian fellowship group

Jesus gathered the Twelve original disciples to himself to grow together in community. Meeting regularly for intentional Christian fellowship provides a unique place of belonging where we can be known, encouraged, and challenged by the loving support of faith-filled friends.

Challenge: Share Christ's love in evangelization, service, & giving

We are called to respond to God's generosity to us by being generous to others: by sharing the good news of the Gospel with all we encounter; by sharing our time, talents and treasure with those in need; and, by sharing our financial gifts in support of the mission of the Church.